Friday, September 14, 2012


Yep. So, almost as soon as I got Herman, both he and Minuit disappeared. There was a tunnel in the sand that I couldn't see to the end of, so I assumed they were in there.

Few days later, the tunnel's gone. Collapsed or filled in, I don't know which. Minuit and Herman still nowhere to be found.

That evening, Bazooka disappeared. Couldn't find him anywhere.

Next night, Batman disappeared. I got really worried. Where were they all going!?

Today Batman reappeared. He was under the sand in the coconut hut. I can tell because there's a tunnel leading out from under the coconut hut. So glad he's okay.

Hope the others show up soon. Getting really worried. Plus, I want to take pictures of the new guys so I can show you.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Radical Turn of Events

It's been a while since I last posted. And when I last posted, things were looking up. New food had come, super excited to get it in their cage and in their bellies, everything was hunky-dory, despite me drained funds.

But things have changed since then. Let me catch you up.

August 31st, 2012

The day before we left for a short vacation Labor Day weekend. Everyone was packing and doing last minute things. I was cleaning my guinea pig's cage and straightening my room and getting my hermit crabs situated for the time they would be alone (until the babysitter came over). I hadn't seen Amy since I moved her into the coconut hut when she was not moving much. There was always the possibility that she was only coming out at night and I just wasn't seeing her. I picked up the coconut hut.

She was on her back. Unmoving.

I was worried. I placed her in my hand and waited for her to come out. Nothing. The possibility of her being dead crossed my mind. If she was, I had read she would smell like rotten fish. I gave her a whiff. My heart sunk. Yep, rotten fish smell.

:crabcry:Just to make sure, I moved her legs. They weren't being pulled back in. She was definitely dead.

It was hard to believe, but it was true. I guess she died of poisoning from eating chips of paint or something. But vacation awaited and I didn't have time to grieve. When we left, only Bazooka and Batman were left of my crabs. 

September 7th, 2012

It was an evening of shopping and cruising around our little town. My dad took us to see his new office. Then we went to Best Buys, then Wal-Mart, and finally... Petco!!! 

I was excited to finally get a new third crab for my diminished duo. Sure, it would never be the same without Amy, but I couldn't leave Bazooka and Batman high and dry without a third wheel.

I was very happy to find that they had added to their selection of crabs since I had bought my original three.  Now they had Ecuadorians in natural shells, instead of only painted ones. I was thrilled. The one that caught my eye was the one was was running across the cage when we got over to the hermit crab tank. He stopped when we suddenly appeared, and hid in his shell. It was only acceptable. I looked at some of the crabs, but I knew the whole time he was going to be the one I got. They had some really cute crabs though. Some jumbo  Purple Pincher crabs in cool sandy-colored conch shells the size of tennis balls, and this TEENY TINY little PP in a shell no bigger than a penny!

We left with the crab I knew I was going to get. He's in a pearly white shell (I think it's a shark eye). After watching him in his new home with Bazooka and Batman, I decided to name him Minuit (pronounced Min-wee). He's been doing well since then. He's a bit reserved, but when I've seen him active he's very agile and fast and curious.

September 9th, 2012

So I went back to Petco. Why? Because I couldn't stand how adorable the one teeny tiny PP crab! I was able to find him again, buried in a pile of jumbo PPs. I had managed to find a Petco gift card left over so some distant birthday that had $2.54 on it left, and bought the little crab. I named him Herman, after Pee Wee Herman. Not because he's a pedophile, but because the little crab is so pee wee! I was so happy to have him! I was exploring the big medium sized shells, and he looked so dwarfed compared to it! Even though my trio will never be the same without Amy, I think my Quartet of crabs will be a big happy family for a long time to come.